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Health Care Fundamentals Private Group / On-Site Training

 ADHD: A Team Approach


Treating ADHD

 Bullying And Social Aggression


Bullying and Social Aggression

 Depression and Anxiety in Childhood: What You Need to Know in Working With Children Suffering From Depression and Anxiety Disorders


Depression and Anxiety in Childhood

 Developing Intervention Plans to Reduce Challenging Behaviors


Developing Behavior Plans

 Diagnosis And Treatment Of Mental Health Problems That Affect Children's Learning


ADHD, Autism, Aspergers, OCD and Tourette's

 Dissecting The Electronic Medical Records System Development Life Cycle


Dissecting The Electronic Medical Record

 Keeping Current With Increasingly Common Diagnoses Of ADHD, Autism, Asperger's, OCD And Tourette Syndrome


ADHD, Autism, Aspergers, OCD and Tourette's

 Medical Records Management And Retention


Medical Records Management And Retention

 NCLB and Developing Appropriate Accommodations and Alternative Assessments


NCLB: Developing Appropriate Accommodations

 New Strategies For Health Care: A Changing Landscape In Health Care


New Strategies For Healthcare

 The ABCs of Dyspraxia: Assessment and Treatment


Dyspraxia: Assessment and Treatment

 The Art of Behavior Modification: Understanding the Nature and Practice of Effective Behavioral Intervention Strategies


Developing Behavior Plans

 Treating ADHD Pharmaceutically and Behaviorally


Treating ADHD

 Understanding Individuals With Asperger's Syndrome Or High Functioning Autism


Asperger's Syndrome and Autism