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Negotiation Skills Workshop (1-Day)
The Canadian Management Centre (CMC)

Delivery Method

Target Audience
Professionals from all functional areas who use negotiations in their business environment. This course is not intended for labour or union negotiations.

Start with a win-win approach that will foster positive business outcomes and relationships.


You negotiate every day.  It may be with customers, vendors, colleagues, your boss or employees. In successful negotiations, the needs of all parties are met.  Expectations are expressed, communication is two-way and desired outcomes are achieved without damage to relationships. 

Whether it's allocating resources for a project, funding a new initiative or agreeing on who will take on specific tasks or assignments, negotiation is inevitably at the heart of the process.

This workshop is designed for individuals who want to increase their ability to negotiate with others. This hands-on session offers you a step-by-step guide to effective negotiation. You will begin to master the skills you need to become a win-win negotiator.

Learning Objective

  • Recognize the stages of negotiation and learn to adapt your behaviour accordingly
  • Develop an effective plan and appropriate strategy for any negotiation
  • Learn tips for breaking negotiation deadlocks
  • Use questioning techniques to uncover what all stakeholders want or need
  • Demonstrate strategies for recognizing conflict and moving towards effective resolution

Course Benefits

  • Build confidence and credibility in asking for what you want
  • Become more strategic in your professional and personal negotiations
  • Gain insights into key approaches of effective negotiators

Course Features

  • Activities that allow you to immediately apply tools to practice scenarios
  • Role play activities that allow you to apply techniques and behaviours in a safe environment
  • Structured case studies to apply learning and share best practices


6 PDUs


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Seats currently available. Book now before the class is full.

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