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Seminar Special Education Law From A to Z Seminar

Presented by NBI, Inc.

NBI Legal Continuing Education Seminars

Special Education Law From A to Z

Course Description

Unravel the Complexities of Special Education Laws

The laws governing special education interact in confusing and sometimes contradictory ways, yet it is crucial that schools have a firm understanding of them in order to protect the rights of students and avoid legal difficulties. This comprehensive, two-day seminar lays out all the essential requirements surrounding IEP development, discipline procedures, due process hearing requirements and more. Let our experienced faculty highlight the mistakes other schools have made, so you can ensure your school properly delivers legally appropriate special education services that help students succeed - register today!

  • Create legally defensible paper trails that record every step of the special education service eligibility process.
  • Properly document difficult situations where parents are unable - or even refuse - to attend IEP meetings.
  • Confidently determine if a student needs an IEP or a 504 plan, and avoid critical legal mistakes.
  • Create behavioral intervention plans (BIPs) that properly take into account the information contained in functional behavioral assessments (FBAs).
  • Ensure special needs students' educational rights are protected in cases of suspension or expulsion.
  • Evaluate whether moving bullied special needs students to safer environments has the potential to create serious legal difficulties.


Day 1

  1. Unravelling Free and Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) Complexities
    9:00 - 10:30, Cheri Belkowitz
    1. Definitions of FAPE: IDEA vs. Section 504
    2. Definitions of Disabilities Under Each Law
    3. What Services and/or Accommodations Must be Provided?
    4. Who is Protected?
    5. Q&A Session
  2. Evaluation and Eligibility for Special Education Services
    10:45 - 12:00, Cheri Belkowitz
    1. Procedural Safeguards for Parents, Students and Schools
    2. Documenting Parent Input
    3. Evaluations: Timelines, Testing and Best Practices
    4. Defensible Classroom Observations
    5. Determining Eligibility: Need for Services, Adverse Impact, etc.
    6. Q&A Session
  3. Developing and Implementing Defensible IEPs
    1:00 - 2:15, Lois Manes
    1. Team Meetings: Ensuring all Members are Present
    2. Components of a Legally Defensible IEP
    3. Implementing IEPs: Monitoring, Documenting and Reporting
    4. Amending IEPs
    5. Q&A Session
  4. Fulfilling Critical Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) and Placement Decision Obligations
    2:30 - 3:30, Lois Manes
    1. LRE, Mainstreaming and Inclusion: What Must Schools Provide?
    2. Continuum of Alternate Placements
    3. Placement Decision Requirements
    4. Factors That Can and Cannot be Considered
    5. Changes in Placement: Necessary Procedures and Review
    6. Q&A Session
  5. Essential Components of a 504 Plan
    3:30 - 4:30, Lois Manes
    1. How 504 Plans Differ From IEPs
    2. Substantial Limitations and Major Life Activities: What are They?
    3. Curriculum Modification and Specially Modified Instruction
    4. Appropriate Evidence to Support 504 Plan Components
    5. Ensuring 504 Plan Accommodations are Reasonable
    6. Q&A Session

Day 2

  1. Managing Behavioral Issues: Avoiding Critical Mistakes
    9:00 - 10:00, Mari M. Hommel
    1. Functional Behavioral Assessments (FBAs): Who Should be Involved?
    2. Creating Useful Behavioral Intervention Plans (BIPs)
    3. Handling Disagreements with Parents
    4. Q&A Session
  2. Discipline and Expulsion Essentials for Special Needs Students
    10:00 - 11:00, Melissa Little
    1. Legal Rules Governing Removal or Expulsion
    2. Providing Services During Disciplinary Removal
    3. Handling Disciplinary Changes in Placement
    4. Multiple Suspensions and Denial of FAPE
    5. Q&A Session
  3. Manifestation Determination Reviews (MDRs)
    11:15 - 12:30, Melissa Little
    1. Ensuring Proper Timelines and Procedures for MDRs
    2. Essential Documentation for MDRs
    3. Determining the Cause of Misbehaviors: Disability, Failure to Implement the IEP or Neither?
    4. Proving or Disproving Schools Followed IEPs, FBAs and BIPs
    5. Q&A Session
  4. Bullying and Special Education Students
    1:30 - 2:30, Harold Belkowitz
    1. When is Bullying a Denial of FAPE?
    2. Moving Bullied Students to Safer Environments: Legal Considerations
    3. Addressing Bullying Through IEPs and 504 Plans
    4. Q&A Session
  5. Special Education Records: Handling Difficult Situations
    2:45 - 3:30, Mari M. Hommel
    1. What Is and Isn't an Education Record: IDEA, Section 504 and FERPA
    2. Email as Education Records
    3. Who is a Parent and What can They Access? IDEA and FERPA Definitions
    4. Retaining, Amending and Destroying Educational Records
    5. Q&A Session
  6. Due Process Rights: Ensuring Appropriate Practices During Disputes
    3:30 - 4:30, Harold Belkowitz
    1. Due Process Overview and Statutes of Limitations
    2. Notice Requirements and Timing Issues
    3. Informal Dispute Resolution: Mediation, Resolution Sessions and Negotiation
    4. How to Prepare for a Due Process Hearing
    5. Appealing Decisions
    6. Q&A Session


More Seminar Information

NBI, Inc.
NBI Legal Continuing Education Seminars


Special Education Law From A to Z

Delivery Method

Seminar Seminar

Who Should Attend

This basic-to-intermediate level seminar is designed for professionals who work with special needs students in educational settings. Those who should attend include:

  • School Administrators
  • Superintendents

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